The Rug that pulled the room together
Going through my history, my therapist stops me to say "it looks like you've been a parent for while," Well shit. That's true. It took me 23 years to be sexy. By the time I was 19, I had a post partum body, breasts and a belly that didn't belong to me, a mind that could lose dates and names like glitter, and a crowd of onlookers who thought I was selfish. (Spoiler alert: it's actually OK to be selfish. Just apparently not for people who are or are viewed as mothers. But this is bullshit so, mothers of the world, carry on. You don't have to bear everyone's burdens.) When men started to notice me instead of cry to me, I felt confused. When women did the same, I felt even more confused. I don't think there's much point in trying to be poetic about this; most histories and sexualities don't fit a metre. Now, I'm Harry Potter. I have a very real scar from a very real birth, that time that I was left to die, and if you think scars hurt...