
Showing posts from January, 2016

My Very Personal Essay

I was originally going to title this blog entry “My Addicted Life”. I was inclined towards the title because Anxiety can feel like an addiction, and my particular brand of anxiety, that special kind linked with obsession, can be a cycle that feels out of touch. I feel at once guilty for my lack of control over this weird bodily quirk, and also drawn to it, nearly doomed to repeat it over and over again. Anxiety came to the table in our home uninvited a few weeks ago, attacking in a way unfamiliar to me, and that is to say, it came at my partner instead of at me. As a minor incident of discomfort quickly turned into a series of panicked situations.     So we did all of the things that I wish I’d done when first confronted with anxiety. We cancelled daily responsibilities for a day, and went to the doctor. We talked about the experience. We worked on controlling our thoughts in situations of high stress.     We talked to people about our experience, to...